Our publication scheme helps you to find information we’ve published about the university and our activities.

Our finances: what we spend and how we spend it

Our financial strategy and management of financial resources, including information about projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.

Our priorities: what our priorities are and how we’re doing

Our vision, goals, strategies plans, performance indicators and reviews.

Our decisions: how we make decisions

Our decision-making processes and records of decisions.

QUT Council

QUT Council is the university's governing body. Composition, membership, powers and responsibilities of QUT Council are governed by the Queensland University of Technology Act 1998 . Procedures for meetings, dealing with business in council, and establishment of committees are included in Council Procedure 1 - Conduct of meetings of Council and Committees.

University Academic Board

Univeristy Academic Board (UAB) is responsible for oversight of academic governance at the University, in particular, for ensuring the effective development, implementation and review of academic programs and policies and the maintenance of academic standards.

Our policies: our policies and procedures

Our current protocols, policies and procedures for performing our functions and responsibilities.

The Manual of Policies and Procedures (MOPP) is the definitive policy resource guiding the operations of QUT.

Our lists: our lists and registers

Information held in registers required by law, and other lists and registers relating to our functions.