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Cultural Diversity and Anti-racism Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) QUT is committed to an approach to cultural diversity and anti-racism that:

  1. promotes and encourages awareness, understanding and appreciation of the differences that exist amongst cultural groups and acknowledges and celebrates the breadth of experience and resources that people from diverse backgrounds bring to the University;
  2. recognises and acknowledges the particular significance of Indigenous Australians as the original owners of this land;
  3. recognises the responsibility of educational institutions to redress disadvantage and to overcome exclusion, bigotry, ethnocentrism, prejudice and racism; and
  4. respects and protects the rights of its students and staff to study and work in a discrimination-free environment.
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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to all students, staff and members of the university community, and all aspects of QUT’s operations.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Position Responsibility
Director, Equity
In consultation with relevant senior officers:
  1. provides advice and support to university officers in meeting QUT’s cultural diversity and anti-racism obligations;
  2. manages, designs, implements and monitors specific cultural diversity initiatives and training.
University Equity Committee Provides advice on cultural diversity and anti-racism according to its charter.
Managers and Supervisors (within their scope of authority) Ensure workplace and study environments are inclusive and free of racial discrimination and harassment.

Implement this Policy in all aspects of their areas’ activities.
All students, staff and members of the QUT community (as defined in Code of Conduct - Staff) Behave in a manner which is non-discriminatory.

Support anti-racism, diversity and cultural inclusivity.
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Section 4 - Obligations and Commitments

Organisational Culture and Environment

(3) QUT will take all reasonable steps to provide and support a culturally diverse and inclusive work, study and research environment. A culturally diverse community is characterised by a wide range of traditions, languages, beliefs, values, ideas and practices. Consistent with the Human Rights Act 2019 and with Australian law, the university will act and make decisions in accordance with human rights and make every effort to ensure students and staff are aware of their cultural rights and to be free of discrimination.

(4) The university will provide opportunities to increase respect for cultural diversity, such as training, events, inter-cultural interaction, promotional materials and open debate, and ensure that decision-making structures are inclusive.

(5) Through strategic planning, QUT will monitor its progress towards being a culturally-inclusive environment. Any complaints that may arise on cultural, ethnic or racial grounds will be resolved by the university using established process. The Resolution Procedures for Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault and Discrimination Related Complaints provides further information.

Human Resources

(6) QUT will facilitate cross-cultural competence by providing professional development and learning opportunities for staff, and will recognise those who develop their skills and knowledge in this area. The University will also support and monitor the effectiveness of Managers and Supervisors in their responsibilities to achieve a culturally inclusive environment. Working conditions are to be consistent with the needs of a socially and culturally diverse community, particularly the cultural and religious obligations of staff.

Curriculum and Students

(7) QUT will develop and deliver programs which are culturally inclusive in course design, curriculum content and teaching methodologies. Through these programs the university is responsible for producing cross-culturally competent graduates who can engage with multiple perspectives, operate in diverse environments, work in multicultural teams and value Indigenous Australians’ perspectives and knowledges. Student policies, procedures and support services, appropriate for a diverse student population, will be provided as well as targeted support services for groups identified as having particular needs.

Research and Community Service

(8) Through public debate, the university will promote the values of cultural diversity and anti-racism in the wider Australian community. The university will also encourage research and community service activities that actively engage with cultural diversity issues, and are inclusive of and beneficial to diverse groups.